Cell Phones: My Latest Frustration

Cell Phones: My Latest Frustration

May. 14, 2019 by

I really don’t like being a complainer, but, come on.  Some things just seem to exist in order to upset me. Recently, we switched our phone service from Verizon to

My Little Pity Party

My Little Pity Party

May. 7, 2019 by

When I first was gifted with this site I decided to be somewhat more candid here than, say, in the “Monday Morning Mailing” or on Facebook.  Not too many people

The Secret to Happiness: Expect Incompetence

The Secret to Happiness: Expect Incompetence

May. 1, 2019 by

The Secret to Happiness: Expect Incompetence

Homosexuals and Hell

Homosexuals and Hell

Apr. 16, 2019 by

Daniel Lee Schinzing believes he has irrefutable evidence that homosexuals are not going to hell, and has written a book with the audacious title: “Homosexuals Aren’t Going to Hell: Here’s

My Self-imposed Sound of Silence

My Self-imposed Sound of Silence

Apr. 10, 2019 by

I’ve learned that keeping my mouth shut works best for me. To begin, my wife, Evelyn, is seriously hearing-impaired. With her hearing aid in her right ear (the ear that

Rainy Days and Pressure-washing

Rainy Days and Pressure-washing

Apr. 3, 2019 by

In an odd kind of irony, it’s not advisable to pressure-wash in the rain. While they both involve water, and both result in getting outdoor stuff wet, it’s just not

Teaching by Example?  Not So Fast

Teaching by Example? Not So Fast

Mar. 26, 2019 by

I hang my keys up on a hook on the side of our hutch inside the front door when I come home. My wife, Evelyn, or I make our bed

A Tale of Two Cancers

A Tale of Two Cancers

Mar. 12, 2019 by

I’ve been diagnosed with cancer. For the second time. However, I’m not overly concerned. The first time was some seven or eight years ago. I had had a lump behind

GC2019 – Thoughts on the United Methodist Church’s Special General Conference

GC2019 – Thoughts on the United Methodist Church’s Special General Conference

Feb. 26, 2019 by

The Special-Called United Methodist General Conference concludes in St. Louis today (Tues., February 26), and the decisions that are made have the potential to split the denomination as we know

In Support of Eclectic Sources

In Support of Eclectic Sources

Feb. 19, 2019 by

Many years ago a program called Television Awareness Training circulated throughout the United Methodist Church (and, for all I know, elsewhere). The presenters taught us things like how to “peel